Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cherie Salazar-Pretty Woman and her iPod

This brunette firecracker is a fan of chocolate and her iPod. She loves house music and Pretty Woman, and she spoils the holy hell out of her chihuahua. Cherie doesn't have to spoil us to get on our good side. She's already there...
Pretty Woman-playonnesCherie Salazar-playonnesMore on this playonnes Fan

playonnes: What is your favorite movie?
Cherie Salazar: Cliche, I know, but it has to be Pretty Woman.
playonnes: Who is your favorite band or song?
Cherie Salazar: House music. Any and all of it.

playonnes: What is your day job?
Cherie Salazar: I'm a hostess at Green Door in Hollywood.

playonnes: What is your favorite techie gadget?
Cherie Salazar: My iPod, duh.

playonnes: What are you a fan of and why?
Cherie Salazar: Ummm. Chocolate. Why? Why not?!

playonnes: If you could switch places with anyone, who would it be and why?
Cherie Salazar: My chihuahua. He's spoiled rotten.

playonnes: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Cherie Salazar: Lara Croft.

playonnes: Who embodies your ideal man and why?
Cherie Salazar: Brad Pitt. He's handsome, successful and a family man.

playonnes: Do you have any secret talents?
Cherie Salazar: I wouldn't say it's a secret, but I am a gymnast!

playonnes: What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Cherie Salazar: I once skydived in a bikini.

playonnes: What celebrity do you think you look like?
Cherie Salazar: I've heard Kirsten Dunst.